Monday, December 21, 2009
A Virgin Xmas Album ...
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
The burning curtain
It’s very difficult to reason out everything in life, there are so many things that does not confine within the boundaries of logic and reasoning’s. This is kind of strange what I am going to mention, every time I have high fever I am accompanied by a dream and the strangest part of it is that I get the same dream every time. As we have an indicator for everything around us, do does I have a biological indicator within me. Every time I get this dream and woke up it is that the temperature is high and it’s about to reside.
We used to live in a very small house during our childhood but it’s one of the beautiful homes I have ever lived. There used to be a loft running along the living room, the only room. My mom used to cover this loft esthetically with cleanly stitched frilled curtains from her old sarees and it used to look so beautiful and also there exists a lane of elephants painted to the front rim of the loft.
Every time when I used to have fever I used to dream about this curtain on fire and the climax would be me screaming that the curtains are getting charred with fire and wake up. I can detail out each and every thing in that dream because I have been dreaming the same one from last 25 years or more but as things change so thus this dream. I am just writing this one waking up from my fresh dream having high fever J , kind of crazy isn’t.
My mom is scolding me as I am writing this post, what the hell iam doing at 3am with fever and typing a useless post rather than having rest. But I want to cherish each and every details of my new dream. I don’t know whether it’s a boon or bane but I can remember my dreams very clearly with minute details. I took all the pain in writing this since it’s such a pleasure to put down things when they are very fresh and later on the heat is lost. I can feel the heat in my eyes as I write down these lines.
I wake up from my dream sweating heavily just few minutes back and it took few minutes to realize that it’s just a dream. In my new dream J I was chased and bitten everywhere by this huge black Doberman dog. This dog was the one that used to live in our neighborhood J in my childhood and it had hardly spared anyone in our street and was finally made to rest by its owner when he was attacked. I was fighting helplessly with the dog and somehow end up myself in a grave yard. The next scene in my dream is me eating the meat which is completely blunt and half cooked. It was kind of salty and I was not enjoying it. I was also accompanied with few others who are total strangers to me but serving me with fresh pieces of human meat. And when I try to have big bite my tooth broke and I cry out in pain that’s when I woke up and came out of my dream world. It took me few minutes to realize that it’s just a dreamJ.
I narrated my dream to my mom and she was taken back and emptied the room to fetch some more hot water whispering to herself “Amma Kadavala (oh GOD)”.
Friday, December 11, 2009

Yesterday was one of those countable days where in all my actions were driven by just intuition and the results were very convincing in all the ways. After finishing most of my works i felt i should watch a play today. It was already a couple of months that I had visited Ranga shankara, but it was already 7pm and the play starts at 7.15pm. I thought i should some how make it today. I rushed myself and just managed to squeeze between the closing gates.
"Galbaski" , yes thats the name of the plays name. I have never heard about it earlier, I was even not sure which language the play is until it started.
Sometimes these incidents in your life makes you realize that we should look out and start reading these signs which confronts you very often, may be thats what even Paulo coelho mentioned in his writings.
I was glad that I made it for such a wonderful, thought provoking play. It was really worth for the strain and effort I took in getting there for the play. The play revolves around the life of a prostitute and the way society uses her. The highlight of the play is the character "Mirror". The author is very talented in letting out his message through a common mirror. Everyone likes to see themselves in the mirror but what we see in mirror is not what exactly we are, but the mask we carry upon us.
The play was very well scripted and the Hindustani alap rendered by a young singer was so soothing that most of the time I was watching him singing rather than play. His voice had so much power that, even though it was in the backdrop it was highlighted.
Play: Galbaski
Playwright: Coffee Raghavendra
Director: KSDL Chandru
Troupe: Roopantara, Bengaluru
I just remembered a Zen meditation which talks about healing powers of mirror. It says if we stand naked in front of the mirror every day for few minutes then we get cleansed naturally without any effort because there is so much power in nakedness and its difficult to watch complete nakedness.
Below is one of my experiments with nakedness.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Besuge- The bonding ...
You always feel good if someone you know make it big. Yes yesterday was one of those moments when two of my friends came up with a musical album of their own. Even though I was an uninvited guest at the occasion I really enjoyed a lot seeing their dreams come true. I know how much effort and sacrifices they did to get where they are now.
It’s really inspiring to see them doing something on their own and releasing to the world. It’s almost year and a half that I know Arun & Surya, the very meeting with them made me feel that they are really interested in music to the core. They keep proving my assumptions right by constantly doing some or the other thing in the field they have chosen.
Finally they have reached a milestone which is their start into a real fascinating & competitive journey. I am sure they will reach very great heights by their talent & unshaken discipline. I wish them a bright & joyful success for all their future projects.