This word seems to be ever green and will last as long as this world exists. This word is rated to be one of the most extensively used word in the human civilization. You can never find a good book or epic without its depiction or can you find a poem/prose without describing it or you might not heard of an interesting speech without a mention about the above word.
I always wonder about the actual nature of this word. Is this word really so powerful ? Is this word really mean so much to all ? or its just an hype surrounding this word that gives an illusionary feeling when its used ?.
I had taken this word to different levels with different people till date and obtained very contradicting answers which made it much more interesting to analyze further. When this topic was discussed with few spiritual (fucked up) minds, the results seemed be quite disturbing. And the answers were not that comfortable. They came up with an quite straight forward answer that "Love is nothing but a need". Love arises only when there is a particular need for it or else it doesn't, May be thats the reason only few fall in love.
Its much more interesting when you bring up this topic with Virtual lovers. Virtual lovers are those who love the other person virtually with the assumption that the other person are also in love with them.
They came up with different versions of Love and on a broader level they can be categorized into "Love at first sight" and "Love after multiple sights".
The first group believes that love is true only when it spawns at the very first sight and the latter disagrees with the first that love only blossoms like a flower with each meetings.
I have few friends of mine who heard angels singing and stars spinning around around them when they find their girl/boy for the very first time. And i have another case wherein they are friends for years now and he/she still feels that his/her love is still a bud and waiting for it to bloom without any effort.
But the most common factor with both of these group is the problem with expressing their love. Whether the love is at first sight or after multiple sights they have unsolvable question in front of them and that is when is the right time to express love , when is the right time to say "I Love You ".
Nice one dude... this post is after, you wrote about signs...
May be watching Kadal kotai (I call it stretch-long, the movie never ends virtually) will solve or give another dimension to your thinking.
Another movie to watch is 'Hum aapke hain kaun' (i call it chitrahaar ! its good we have dialogues in between songs) fourth dimension :)
finally taking a break has worked wonders!!! keep writing, by the way when is Signs coming back ? :)
Hi Ravi, nice one :) Discussions on this topic can seem to be never ending, at times :)( or always? :))
Well, when it comes to expressing Love...I guess if two individuals feel the same about each other they will know it and in such cases there is no need to say it at all :) To me it is more about togetherness than just uttering/hearing those words :)
Hmm...nice discussions....
Keep up the good work :)
Coincidentally i was listening to a lovely song...
only the 'I love you' doesnt appeal in the song too....otherwise, the song takes u out of the world! :)
Hi Ravi,
Very nicely you have expressed about LOVE to those who never want to express their love to their loved ones. Was I too complicated :)?
Loved this post and your thoughts on this beautiful word. "virtual lovers"!!! what a right way of defining such kind of lovers.
I always feel love should be expressed always.That is the only thing which cannot be controlled or hidden or stopped. I believe world is existing only because of love.
See we all love reading each other blog and expressing our emotions in own blog and commenting on others blog. So only these all blogs are existing. Right?
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