Thursday, April 30, 2009
Pursuit of happiness
Every one want to learn so many things in their life, they want their life to be filled with worthily experiences and hence they plan out for it. But life as a different game in the box, and at the end it makes you more richer in its own way. You might have been much wiser and contented with yourself without any effort of yours. All we have to do is to never close our arms anytime, just open up and embrace it when it approaches you.
I had so many tasks sorted out for me in my project plan yesterday but i ended up watching couple of movies and a play at the theater. But i never felt for once that i ended up my day wasted instead i was thankful for the cosmos in exposing me to so many other paths in life which i would have missed it if was doing the things which i had planned.
There are few chapters in our life which we want to understand and digest it completely because it is of great importance to live but the very effort in digesting it would lead you no where.
These chapters are learned with out learning it and it is called "Pursuit of happiness".
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Hats off to this marvelous creation !
I was very much convinced that technology drives everything in this world now, no need of so many years of music learning and then composing a song or so. All that you need to compose a beautiful piece is an average musical knowledge, a bit of creativity and exposure to technology.
When you are exposed to technology to the core and your life is stuffed with lot of creativity then you can do wonders in life. The same thing i feel holds good in any of the fields as of now.
I was totally amazed with these electronic chips over the human brain, the very technology driving the whole world around us. When all these thoughts and music from the keyboard making circles in my head i was distracted by the interferences of incoming call in my cell phone.
I just picked up my cell and checked the caller id, it was some number which does not exists in my phone library. I was just wondering and thinking whether to pickup the call or not, because i usually don't pick any unsaved numbers.
Anyway i received the call and said "Hello" , and the person on the other side answered with the same intensity as mine and replied "Hello How are you?".
My mind went totally blank for a second since the voice on the other said is unknown to me and involuntarily i said without thinking "I am fine, How about you?". Meanwhile as i said these above words, my mind was computing with such super fast than any computer in the world searching through the records of all the voice samples stored in my database from the day i have born.
By the time the other person replied "I am doing great! So its a been a long time" , the search engine within me came out with a concrete solitary result.
I just want to confirm my search result and i asked "Is it Ganesha", yes it was him. He was very much surprised and happy that i recognized his voice after almost 9 years. Ganesha was my engineering college mate whom i have not met after January 2000 and it was just yesterday he called me to invite for his marriage.
After i finished talking with Ganesha, i was once again convinced to myself that however sophisticated the technology is still there is no comparison to the human brain. I was really amazed with the lightening speed and accuracy of human brain to process the whole data that existed for all the years and came out with the right match.
Hats off to this marvelous creation !
Monday, April 27, 2009
Commitment is one of the most commonly used words in our daily life. This very word is so versatile that it can be used either to praise a person or to condemn the person to the core.
It made me think what commitment is all about ?
Is a person without any commitment considered to be a free man , is lack of commitment means freedom ?
Is a person without any commitment means to be in an ideal state of life ?
Does commitments bring stress and unhappiness in life ?
Is it good or bad to be committed ?
Why is that we think so much about commitment and also fear to be committed ?
And many more .........
All these questions did a lot of tug of war within me in trying to find exactly what is commitment ?
As i see commitment ignites action, the very human mind does not want to be held responsible for anything however small it may be. Never it accepts that its a fault on his side. Hence when you say that you are committed, the very statement holds you responsible for all your action, you are questioned and nobody wants to be questioned.
I feel commitment is very much divine, because if you want to be committed, then you have to have a strong belief in what you do or else there is no way. Commitment with it brings about a feeling of ownership which lacks otherwise. When you get that feeling of yours the very mind does not fool around itself or else it would take you for a ride.
Commitment goes in parallel with improvising the quality in which we deliver, because nothing can be improvised unless you have sense of ownership with you, a feel to make the process or thing easily approachable and pleasurable.
I always felt that commitment destroys freedom, but its not the case. Commitment gives freedom to stand on you own, a passion to keep you moving. But you need to understand the intricacies of the mind to know what you have to commit in order to enjoy the very act of commitment?.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Director Shivamani has taken a very good subject and has gave full justice for the story. The story revolves around the life of just entered college students, their distractions in life and how they cope up and come up in life.
I realized that in the name of so called Love what all games our mind play with us. The movie very clearly shows how an innocent mind thinks that he is in love and looses everything around him, he would be very much convinced that every thing is fair in love until at the end he realizes that there is nothing called as Love and he was deceiving himself and others. They show very beautifully that love exists only when there exists security. He finally gets convinced that the very love which he believes is all the problem with him. The movie shows the various generations which sees the same emotions of Love so differently.
The very thing i liked in the movie is that he makes you realize that we give so much importance to our emotions and can't recognize our mind games and become slaves to it thinking that we are the king.
A great movie to watch.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Sangathi Arinhya! - I am in love again
Yes all these things happened with me in just a span of a hour when i watched the play "Sangathi Arinhya!". This time i dragged Raghu too with me, so four of us went for the play. And about the skin, there is no comment everything was great :). Koshy and Raghu were doubly convinced that they would never miss a good show at Ranga Shankara :).
About the play
'Sangathi Arinhya! is my second play of the troupe Perch from chennai. I truly believed this play would be great after i watched their first play "MoonShine and SkyToffee" and my belief in them didn't go vain.
Sangathi Arinhya is a play scripted around the different stories from Vaikom Muhammad Basheer. I am sure that who ever sees the play will fall in love with the authors works for sure, each of the characters in the play mesmerizes you to the core and takes you to a different world.
He has shown light and questioned the beliefs on many social and religious issues existing in the society with such a humor that no one would object it and the message is conveyed straight to your heart with any effort from our side.
I don't remember the character names but characters like this , a young Military person who speaks about the war in the world and how to bring about peace in society makes everyone cry and think at the same time. The person who enacted this role also above the mark.
There were also some bold and strong messages on the love life and problems of hijdas which made the whole auditorium silent for few minutes. And lot of other characters which are completely love filled and humourous. The love between two jail mates and their separations will make any soul wet, the story of how a physically handicap person transforming into a world famous personality in which he literally does a postmortem and shows everyone how our society functions.
Each of the characters were so well nurtured that you totally get into them when they come on screen. The play is so well scripted that the author Basheer himself interacts with each of his characters and every thing happens around him and he himself is part of the play. The very thing which moved me is that in the end when he is about to die, all his characters he has created will sit around him, some fanning him and others cheering him and saying their last good bye.
He mentioned at the end of the play that he might be gone as like his other friends into nowhere land but his works and his characters will live for ever. That is really true each of his characters would live much longer and lot of people like me will fall in love with his works for many more years to come.
I just read a short auto biography of Vaikom Muhammad Basheer and its really more interesting than his stories.
Every one born here should die some day. But i feel persons like Basheer are just born , never dies.
P.S : Check out for details of the play "Sangathi Arinhya".
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Unsolvable Problem ? - a short story
But Prajwal never thought of himself will be a king in the future and was very playful as his father, the king used to take care of the whole kingdom. Once the prince went out for hunting in the nearby forest and during hunting he found a very beautiful girl gathering logs in the jungle. He was totally drowned in the beauty of the girl and lost his senses completely. He immediately went to her and introduced himself as the prince of Veera Kotai and expressed his desire to marry her if she wishes.
The girl said her name was ragini and she is daughter of sage druvaagni. She lives in the nearby cottage and she too is in love with him. The prince spend few days in the jungle with the girl and later promised her that he will be back very soon and talk with her dad regarding their marriage.
The prince was very happy and was driving his chariot very swiftly to reach the kingdom early and break this news to his parents. While riding the chariot he didn't notice the snake moving across in his path and his chariot wheel rolled on the snake. The snake cursed the prince that his very happiness in which he blindly drove on the snake shall not be blessed to him. The snake god cursed that he will not get the girl he loved before dying.
Once the prince reached the palace he was shocked to hear that his father was killed by the enemies in the war few days back and they could not intimate him since he was not available.
On the wishes of his mother and the people in the kingdom he succeeded the throne and took complete responsibility of the huge kingdom which his father has left behind for him. Never he thought of his personal love and years rolled by.
As few years rolled by he molded himself to be a good administrator and gathered complete trust from his people and was happy that he fulfilled his duties as a king. But very lately he was remembering ragini very much and decided to meet her. He went into the forest to meet the sage and ask her daughter but when he reached the sage ashram he was told that ragini was
married a few months back to Rudra. Rudra is a great shiva bhaktha and is blessed with great powers from the lord shiva.
The king prajwal was c0completely depressed and lost his interest in life. He did not take care of his kingdom anymore and the people of the kingdom was very much unhappy with him. His mother want his son to marry some princess and grow their family but he was not interested.
He deserted his kingdom and family and went in search of peace. He thought to himself that he had betrayed her and he was solely responsible for the situation around him. He felt there is no life without her for him and he wanted her to be back in his life at the cost of everything. He was also ready to kill Rudra and get her back to him.
He went to different sages and gurus to find peace and answers for his questions. All the great sages and gurus heard his story and suggested him to get married to someone else and lead a happy life as a king. And the very curse on him by the god had made him to be in the situation he is currently now and he is not responsible for all this. They also advised him that she is now a wife of great Rudra who is a shiva bhaktha and posses great powers, both husband and wife are well known and perform various yagnas together. Hence it is not good to disturb them and would eventually kill himself and destroy his own kingdom.
But prajwal was not convinced with any of the answers given to him and still his quest to find an answer for his problem prevailed. Finally he decided to talk to Lord shiva himself and obtain an answer for his problem. He starved and meditated for few years and finally shiva was pleased with his devotion and appeared before him.
Shiva asked prajwal what is that he wants. He told shiva that he is not convinced by any of the answers/solutions provided by so many great sages and gurus in the universe and hence he wanted to obtain the solution for his problem from the shiva himself as he is the ultimate.
Lord Shiva replied even my answers would not solve the problem in you because you have created the problem yourself with the solutions you have within you. Since there exists so many solutions within you , you have created the problem or question for yourself.
Once you clear the solutions you have within yourself then the very problem will also disappear by itself.
Moonshine and skytoffee
Myself, Rajju and koshy were at Ranga Shankara for the play "Moon Shine and Skytoffee". We reached early to collect our tickets and had a lot of time left. We kept ourself busy till the play started by munching all that is available at the cafe.
About the play:
Moonshine and Skytoffee, is an amalgamation of two of Vaikom Muhammad Basheer’s stories, ‘The love Letter’ and ‘The Card-sharper’s Daughter’. Both explore love in unlikely circumstances.
‘The Love Letter’ is about the love of Kesavan Nayar, a Hindu, for his landlord’s daughter Saramma, a Christian.
‘The Card-sharper’s Daughter’ is about the unlikely love that develops between Sainaba, the daughter of a card-sharper, and a loveable rogue, Mandan Muthapa, a pickpocket. How these two couples come together in the face great odds forms the gist of this story.
Both these love stories play themselves out with unexpected twists and turns, all laced with Basheer’s sparkling with and irrepressible humor.
It was nice to see lot of beautiful skinned people in the auditorium. Koshy was very much impressed with the ambiance and was totally convinced that he would be regular visitor for Ranga shankara here after.
About the play, it was really a well scripted humorous love story about two couples and how they manage to get together at the end. But the highlighting thing in the play was the dialogue by one eyed poker regarding her daughter at the very end when his daughter betrays her father by helping his lover win over the card trick against her father.
The play also features few of old Malayalam classic love songs which goes very well with the mood of the play. The author also portrays the issues with love marriages in society very comically and conveyed the message more humorously. Its a very light play and gives a good feel since the lovers get married at the very end :) as like most stories end.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
My new love "Ratna"
I had great love for Ratna and had a chance to meet him at Ranga shankara. There was a lovely play named Ratnan Parpancha
Yes i am talking about the one and only G.P.Raja Ratnam alias Ratna (precious stone). I guess his writing is so humorous and fresh that any one will fall in love with him. The very thing i liked in him is that he proved that you can deliver the message from any one and in any way if you know exactly what you want to say.
He has portrayed the character "Ratna" so good in his works that he lives in your heart for ever, you may forget your lover but not Ratna :).
His collection named "Rathnana Padagalu" is far better than any other books which tells us how to live. All his words are uttered by a drunkard named "Ratna" and his words are gospels. It basically introduces you to the "Art of living".
Lot of people go around the world seeking peace and enlightenment but i personally felt him to be an enlightenment man and his writing takes you there if you really read them casually not seriously :).
Just a sample of his song adapted in a Kannada movie ....
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Irreversible act
The very own mind which was totally convinced with the belief system earlier is now completely against it after realizing the actual facts. Hence all that is required is the view to look into the things around us the way it is and this can't be taught by someone outside us.
All this while i had a phobia of water and hence i had lot of night mares of water but the very moment you learn to swim in water all on your own then the very traces of water phobia is vanished and it is so much pleasure in swimming.
Very recently i felt that once you have realized something it is impossible or very much difficult to get back to your earlier state. Once the very quest to find things by yourself is ignited the very moment the belief system is completely burned with this fire and never ever you will start believing in others.
Once you are transformed from a believer to a non believer, the very act is irreversible.
You need to reinvent the wheel all of your own
"Why did you do this when i told you it won't work ?".
Out of nowhere thoughts of "what is life?", "How to live?" cropped up in one of the butterfly. Once these thoughts formulated it lost its natural state of mind and could not function as before. It went on a search to different masters to quench its thirst to solve his self posed question of understanding life and guidelines to lead a happy life.
The butterfly became very much intellectual and knew the science behind the formation of life. It studied the metamorphosis of butterfly from his masters and started preaching to his fellow beings on what is life and also made some guide lines to enjoy their life so that they can avoid pain.
Once this butterfly was sitting on a flower involved in this thoughts and suddenly heard some voices. It looked around and noticed that a baby moth was trying to come out of its cocoon. It was struggling a lot to break out of its own cocoon. Since the butterfly is very much intellectual and knew what stage it takes next, as it has learned from his masters hence it got a pair of scissors and cut open the cocoon thus making an easy outlet for the moth.
It wanted the moth not to struggle with pain in getting out of the cocoon but it did not realize that the very struggle to come out of its cocoon is very much needed for the moth in developing the wings to fly. The moth came out of the cocoon and died since it was crippled.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Moral of the Story
"So that's how the story ends, Now tell me what is the Moral of the story?"
These were the words i used to hear after every story from my moral science teachers during my childhood days. And they would teach me a moral for each of the story that has been told by someone else and we would write the same answers in the exams.
I wondered why is that this subject is called as "Moral Science"? I always thought that science is the knowledge that is build completely on observation ,experimentation , proofs and is solely based on facts which cannot be denied by anyone. Then how can we merge Science and Moral together because both are of different poles. Most of the morals which we preach are not supported by facts and are of shear assumptions and beliefs. When reasoned out you feel they are not acceptable.
Every time when i was told so called Moral story, i always ended up myself in a totally different moral than that was told to me. But i was said not to question them because they believed that all stories have just one moral and that is what is given by the author/story teller. But i believed there is no need to come up with the moral of the story at the very end. Because moral is nothing but a view/opinion on the story and they will never be the same across persons. This is born out of the observation and experiences of the person who is listening to the story. Hence these stories are just to be told not explained with moral.
We are so much conditioned with the Moral bug in us that we can't accept a story without explicitly stating the moral. For the story "Old Monk" its left to the creativity of the reader to come out with views of his own. I can come out with quite a number of morals, Let me ink down few of them.
Based on the belief system if i am an atheist then my moral would be, if sam doesn't believe in all the spiritual crap then he would have stayed in the flat during the fire accident and would have saved his studio.If i were to be a theist then my moral would be, If he has not listened to gods words then he would have been burnt alive in the flats it god who has saved his life in disguise.
Now if analyzed the moral can be any of the above or more based on the reader who reads it. But why is that we need a moral to a story ? Can we not just read the story and leave it a that ?
Friday, April 17, 2009
Old monk - short story
When the Sonu’s “Anisuthide Yako indu” track came to end, Sam broke his silence and said “Dude you know! Very lately I have strange dreams in nights”.
Then Rags just smiled and said “ hmm interesting so which girl this time ?”.
Sam sounded bit serious and said “ No dude I am really serious”.
Ram gulped his last sip and smilingly said “You might be thinking of something very much lately and that might cropped up like this in your dream”.
“No da, I had never thought about it anytime. It’s totally new to me too” said Sam excited.
“Fine then let us know what you had in your dreams” Rags opened up.
Sam adjusted himself well in his huge couch and started “You know I am more or less an Atheist, but very recently I am experiencing this strange dreams continuously everyday for last few days and the most frightening thing is that it’s the same dream I get everyday ”.
Both Ram and Rags were surprised and looked at each other’s face. Ram is a kind of person who believes that there exits lot of things in life than just living. He feels everything In life is based on pure science and nothing else.
Ram cleared his throat and started giving some fundas on how and why dreams formulates and there is no need to give any special attention to all this.
Sam seemed to be provoked and said “ Ram, please stop this spiritual, intellectual shit and say something in present. Tell me why I have that dream?”.
Ram was taken aback because he has never seen Sam like this earlier and he said “ok then Explain me what you dream everyday”.
Sam very seriously told “ Every night a very old monk dressed in a maroon and orange robe with long beard appears in front of me. I can hear a strange but pleasing chanting in the background when he speaks, his voice is very low more like a whisper but it’s so clear that not even a word is missed”.
Rags seemed to puzzled , just scratched his head and started staring at Sam.
Sam was totally involved in his own world and he continued
“ The old monk just waves his hand and says to me,
” Sam this is not the place for you. Just move out of here”.
And the monks voice is well modulated, he does not seemed to be disturbed he is so pleasant and neither seems to be angry or smiling. He just says these words and walks into the monastery.
There was a strange silence for few minutes after Sam finished. Everyone was thinking something but no one spoke, may be they don’t really know what they were thinking.
Then Ram broke out “ Sam, You just need to find out yourself on this. All others can, just be creative and give some fundas like me”.
Sam asked “ What do you mean ? ”.
Ram in a serious tone “ Go and find out what that dreams means to you by yourself”.
Rags seems to be frustrated listening to their conversation and said “ Fuck Ram, Don’t say your lousy shit to him and confuse him. Let his have a couple of pegs and everything will be fine”.
But Sam seemed to be interested in Rams words and quietly stood and went towards rest room.
Silence prevailed as both Ram and rags were thinking within themselves.
Sam came out of Restroom speaking in his mobile saying “Thank You” and threw the mobile on couch which fell down.
Rags shouted “You dude be careful, who was that ?”.
Sam smilingly said “I am leaving tonight at 11 for Kushal Nagar”.
Rags shouted “What? Have you gone nuts. Don’t listen to all this crap from him man. It’s just shit”.
Sam very quietly said “No I am not doing because he asked me to. I wanted it too. I wanted to prove myself that all these things happening with me is just crap”.
Ram smilingly stood from his stool and said “It’s time for me to go, Sam do you want me to drop?”.
Sam said “ No dude I can manage, Will call you from Kushal Nagar”. He seemed to be very much on earth.
Ram hugged him and said “Be cool man, Happy journey” and left shaking hands with Rags.
Rags too left to his place after dropping Sam at bus stand.
The silence prevailed for some reason between them.
After a couple of day , Ram and Rags were at a coffee shop when Rags mobile rang. Rags excitingly said “Hey it’s our Sam”.
Ram plucked the phone from Rags and answered “ Hey dude , whatz up? How are things? Are you ok ?”.
Sam sounded dull , he said “ I am fine da, I will be there tomorrow morning, Will catch up then”.
Ram asked again “ Is everything fine? What happened with your dream ?”.
Sam said “You are right man, it’s a mind game nothing much. I just realized now that what am I doing here in this lousy monastery, I should have been in my studio with my music, the one I worship rather than GOD”.
Ram smilingly said “It’s ok Be cool man. Have a safe journey, Will catch up tomorrow morning then. Happy Journey! Bye”.
Rags curiously asked “ What he said?”.
Ram casually said “He will be at his studio tomorrow morning, Nothing to worry”.
At 7am next morning mobile rings. After continuous ringing for 10 minutes rags picks up the phone “Hello !”.
There is no voice from the other side, all he can hear was heavy breathing of someone on the other side.
But rags recognized the breadth and said “Sam what happened? Are you ok ? Where are you ?”.
Sam could hardly speak and just consoled himself for a while, took a deep breath and said in a very low voice “I standing outside my flat, My Studio is totally gutted by fire along with the other three floors last night. ”.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Why there exists a conflict in my decisions?
Dude: Hey dude, whatz up?
Me: Nothing much same stuff, so what are you into?
Dude: Do you get a bus now to go?
Me: go where?
Dude: I don't know just want to go somewhere?
Me: But why?
Dude: Because i wanted to go, I just feel like going out of Bangalore for few days.
Me: But it’s very difficult now, it’s already late night and you don't have anything planned?
Can't you just plan out and go tomorrow morning?
Dude: Nope, I want to go somewhere right now at any cost because my mind wants me to go.This is freedom man :)
If this had happened a month back or so I would have really moved by his actions. But today I did not feel like that. I don’t know why? I just started asking just one question, Is this is what is called Freedom?
So my mind started pounding me with a lot questions like what do you mean by Freedom? Is doing whatever you like is Freedom? Or liking what you do is Freedom? Or doing whatever things which gives pleasure to us is Freedom?. The more I wanted to come to solution, the more it was moving away from me.
My mind switched into analyzing mode, I questioned myself what should I do when I need to make decisions? When there exists a sudden urge to do something, what should I do? I just go with the mind and do whatever it wants me to do or sit down and look up all the pros and cons of it and decide whether to go with it or not ?.
Our mind is very much intelligent and plays the cards on both sides. It sometimes tells me one thing and the very next minute it suggests a totally opposite thing. So when i listen to my mind at the very first time and obey it as it guided me, once the very act is done most of the time it takes a different stand and questions you that you might be wrong and it gives a totally new version. May be that’s the reason we feel guilt and question our decisions which we had taken in the past because we are in conflict with ourselves on the decisions we take.
We are in need to find the reasons behind this conflict since once its resolved then any decision we take would be contented. Most of the times we go with an opinion from external source which might not fetch us a solution because the other person may not have experienced the same situation as me and his opinion is just out of shear assumption.
There also exists an idea of listening to your heart than your mind concept from a very long time, which when analyzed will realize that there isn’t any intelligence in the heart to take decisions so it’s only a mind game.
The only way to make a non conflicting decision is when we completely understand the behaviors and patterns of the human mind. Once this is achieved all the games played by the mind can be understood at the very basic level and we can take decisions without much influence of the mind.
But the very art of understanding the mind is very mysterious because we have to understand the mind with the help of the mind.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Blog Mania
Like this there was a Blog mania that erupted very recently with my very closest friends circle. Its all started when my friend Koshy was inspired by some blogs from long time and wanted to start one of his own to share across his feelings or views. The blog bug which bit him seems to be very much contagious that it spread across to myself and Raghu.
With this bug bite i was infected first and started my very own blog and then came on Raghu & Koshy. There don't end the story the very starting of a blog puts on more responsibility on the blog owner because he has to keep his blog alive. I just did a quick statistics survey on the google blogger site and the results seems to be very much depressive, out of the 100 blogs that is created by lot of enthusiasts like us , hardly 2 of the sites are alive after 3 months with regular posts.
With all the stats i collected above i realized it really a great responsiblity on the blog owner. Since i was always look out for some interesting subjects or characters around me to include in my blog. The very conversations with my close friends also clarified that they too were feeling something like this. In a way its good that we are getting more sensitive and observative since we need to find an subject to keep their blog alive :).
I realized that its so strange and amazing that the very subject to be analyzed can also be used a tool for analyzing.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
A date with the self
I observed that we don't really need a subject to discuss, we all can just talk for hours together on some or the other topics which is of no importance to anyone. I was just wondering why is that we discuss so much into these things which is of value to anyone.
Then i found out the real answer to it, our human body generates so much of energy within us since we take so much of food intake through out day and by the very nature of each of our professions we hardly expense/burn out any energy so naturally the very opportunity to exhaust or finding an outlet to release these energy is very well accepted by this organism and out comes the discussion in full flow. That is the reason we discuss and have so much pleasure out of it. But a very poor man who works through out the day for his meal hardly talks or discuss like us because his energy that is generated is already exhausted in his day today activities.
But in a way what we do is also good because any energy that is generated needs to be utilized or else it might harm in some way or the other to the human organism. The very outlet that we use to dispose our extra energies keeps our self chemically balanced and stable.
During these discussions came out few topics like love, trust , belief and so on. Out in the discussion my very own instrument ( mind ) spilled out a view that all these topics we discussed above when analyzed are just born out of some chemical reactions but when we start relating to them emotionally , we coin new names to it and it is the very cause of misery.
I had a very small question within myself in the statement i made. But when i analyzed i realized that it is very much true.
Let us look exactly into what these above topics is all about. All the topics mentioned above finally results either in happiness or sorrow. In a way it makes us either Laugh or Cry.
All of us have been laughing and crying through out our life but seldom we questioned how or why is that we behave like this. What is that which brings out the heavy feeling within me and make my eyes wet and tears roll down the cheeks. Or in a way what is that which makes me feel so light , makes me laugh and gives such a comfort good feelings.
Is it just emotions/feelings which makes us behave like this or is there anything else to it ?
Let me just ink down the scientific facts to these behaviors of human organism. This human body does not understand any thing called as emotions or feelings. Its the mind or the very thoughts which interprets it the way it wants. And this mind is been conditioned with all the knowledge's which has been acquired by external and internal sources.
What exactly happens when a person cries. The very thoughts within us generates some sort of electrical signals and sends across to the brain which stimulates and gives respective instructions to different glands in our body to secrete different kinds of fluids with varying chemical proteins and hormones. When studied in laboratory the kind of tears generated when a dust falls in our eyes is different from tears that rolls down when we are emotional. Scientists have discovered that the emotional tears contain higher levels of manganese and the harmone prolactin, and this contributes in a reduction of both of these in the body, thus helping to keep depression away.
Many people feel that crying actually calms them after being upset, and this is because the very chemicals which cause depression is released out in the form of tears.
Let us know examine what exactly happens when we laugh. When we laugh, the body makes facial gestures and sounds. The body relaxes during laughter. The diaphragm, abdominal, respiratory, facial, leg and back muscles all get a workout.Scientists have discovered that within four- tenths of a second of seeing something humorous, an electrical wave moved through the cerebral cortex of the brain. If the wave took a negative charge, there was laughter.Laughter has been found to reduce the amount of stress hormones and gives the brain a much comfort feel which is coined as happiness.
My very point of mentioning about all these facts is not to question whether emotions likes Love, trust , faith exists or not. Once we understand these feelings/thoughts at the very basic level then there will be no surprises within us and hence no conflicts and this will finally lead us to a very natural state.
I am really thankful to koshy, Raghu , Anish and Melen for making me realize what exactly is these so called emotions at the very core.
P.S :
Please refer the below link for reference of scientific reasoning on the above topics.
Why we Laugh & Cry
Monday, April 13, 2009
Gods Own Country
I always wondered why is that Kerala referred to as Gods Own Country where as others not, Is that God prefers to stay in a place so green , friendly and lot of beaches around. Or is it God only prefers places where he gets lot of Toddy and fishes :) . The search for this was unsuccessful may be few of my mallu friends can show some light on this .
Anyways i had never been to Kerala till this trip, Hence i immediately agreed to visit Kerala when he invited me for his marriage. Krishna got married at his home town Calicut , but its actual name is Kozhikode ( Its fun to spell out this name, none of us got it correct ) . And i also wondered why is that many places in kerala has two names , a mallu name and other name given by outsiders. We had some hard experiences in finding out few places since those places were so difficult to pronounce :)
Except the weather everything was great at Kerala, great scenic beauty and delicious food.
We just covered few places at Wayanad district and moved onto Calicut for marriage.
The meenmutty falls at Wayanad is really worth trekking but the edkal caves and kuruva island is just a tourist hype we felt. But since we have a good number we enjoyed ourselves very well.
Check below few of the pics from Krishna's marriage & wayanad.
From ( L to R ) Vishal, Sowmya, Karthik , Bhaskar, Vijay, Rajesh, Vikas, Charan and Rajani.
Front - Ravi

The complete team at Kuruva island.
There is no other place to get married than God very own Country.
@ Krishna's Marriage.
Krishna and Deepa
Stop & Go
Why is that i get tired so fast ?
Why is that i am not very much interested in the things i do ?
What is that i need to do to make myself feel much better and do more than i can ?
And on and on .......
There are lot of why and what's in our lives. I have seen lot of people mentioning the words above in relation to their lives :) .
We can't carry ourselves for a very long time in our day today activities in life, we get tired of doing the same old things day in and day out in our life, We don't even know whether there exists an interest in what we do, may be we had an interest for it when we have started to explore on them but could not keep up that interest because of various reasons.
But we always keep hoping and want to be energetic and perform to the potential in everything we do in our life, but what is that we lack or what is that we don't understand ?
Our human body is very much similar to an automobile or any machinery that exits out in the market, it cant run or perform to its potential all the time unless and until it is maintained properly. There needs an oil change and change of wear and tear parts as and when required to get it going smooth. The same holds good for each one of us.
The whole thing can be termed in a process called "STOP & GO" method.
Its very simple once in a while you have to stop , relax , rejuvenate oneself and then we can perform to our potential or may be more.
Yes i got to realize that this method works.
Let me tell you , Yesterday as myself & Sunil koshy were having our morning lazy walk at Madivala lake and all of a sudden it just came into my mind to have a nice break fast for Easter ( Any occasion to have good Food is great ). Then we landed ourselves into Koshy's restaurant.
Let me first tell you about this place, Koshy is one of the oldest Mutli cuisine restaurants in bangalore. Every Bangalore tells a story about this place but for me i discovered very recently from a non Bangalorean (Sunil). Its always the case the outsider knows more about the local places than the local guy. Bcos we always look outside rather than :)
Finally we had our seat after waiting for long one hour ( But we did not waste the waiting time as we gulped couple of K.C Das sweets in the meantime).
Koshy was on his regular menu (Bombay Toast & Mutton Cutlet) and myself on my regular ( Roasted Beans Toast, Fried Bacon & Sausages ).
Its worth the place and time. We had a long chat and i was wondering and looking people around us. I was thinking that rather than the food , its the ambience and the feel good thing that brings the people out to places like this. Every was who had come there was an artists in some or the other way. We can make out that every one out was unique in their own ways , no one was bothered about the other and all dressed to their best ( except us ). I was wondering how come the girls out there dressed so good so early in the morning ,it would atleast take them an hour or more. Then i started appriciating their patience and artistic skills and their interests in their lifes.
Its the very interest in them they keep it alive, so thats the reason they are so fresh & charming.
Now that iam very much contented with the "STOP & GO" procedure in life. Every one needs to follow this procedure the way it pleases them the most inorder to reenergise their life and keep the spark going.
Every small stop you make will help you have a long stride and a more pleasant X-perience :)
I thank Aneesh in getting this out of me.
What is that i want ?
When i sit down myself and look into myself deeper i realize all that i need is the need of others.
All the minds around me what me to be some one else and my need also became the same what others want me to be. So my need is nothing but others needs and i had taken it as mine.
What i could not able to realize was that when one of those needs were fulfilled then a new need was raised of nowhere and there existed no trace of the old one and all i see in front of me was the new need. Its just like a ripple in the water , it keeps on multiplying , the more you stir the more it formulates.
Why is that i always wanted something. Why is that i always want to be someone else ? Why is that i can't accept me the way i am ? Why is that i always wanted to have something else than what i have right now ?
I had thought of these questions for a very long time and still keeps me wondering. I had come across so many people in my life who are also interested in these subjects like me and also have claimed to acquired the mastery over them. May be you some times feel that the person on the other side have got an answer to that which is very much convincing but never you feel that his answers is totally acceptable with you.
But very lately i realized myself that the more knowledge we garbage with us the more confused we would be. Because as such we have been conditioned so much and with all these shit already existing with us if we accumulate more then no where we can see the world as it is.There is no way you can understand yourself with the knowledge of some one else.
Unless i understand what is that need that i always have with in me i would always go around in circles like a dog trying to catch its own shadow. when the very own question of wanting to be someone disappears my search for all these will also disappear.
For this to realize i feel we have to travel the path all alone , there is no ready made map or so called Guide to guide you.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Mystic fool
- involving or characterized by esoteric, otherworldly, or symbolic practices or content, as
certain religious ceremonies and art; spiritually significant; ethereal.
- of occult character, power, or significance: a mystic formula
- a person initiated into religious mysteries.
I was amazed to find out so many adjectives detailing for a word like mystic. esoteric, otherworldly, occult character, power. And i was wondering how a fool who has these characters embedded in him would be like, even the very thought of it is really moving right ....
Not that anyone can coin these mysterious phrases just like that , only a fool with mystic qualities can do it. Let me introduce this mystic fool to you . Its my very good friend Raghu.
His debut blog "Mystic Fool" formed a base for me to write something and keep my blog alive :)
I just realized after reading his article that why is that human mind likes to be mysterious, everyone feels good to be a mystic. The very thought of having those mysterious powers within us makes us feel so delighted. What is that is required to be a mystic person and i could dig out the very answer form the question i posted myself.
Yes the very budding of foolishness will bloom itself into a mystical powers within us. Hence to be a fool is the start of intelligence, to realize that i am fool will open up doors and invite knowledge within us.
Its great that Raghu has started with his blog and much more mysterious articles are on the flow .. Great start ! Keep blogging :)
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Shadow of the Dead

Very rarely you feel that the time and money you spent is really worth for it. Yes i had the same feeling yesterday when i watched the play "Sattavara Neralu".
The play makes you think and view the world in a totally different way and lives you in distress how simple it looks why is that we have complicated our lives so much.
About the Play
Sattavara Neralu is a period performance set in medieval south India, at a time steeped in Brahminical religiosity, where monasteries and maths were as much centers of faith as they were the axis of power and influence. It is a play that attempts to explore the dark politics and the scramble for power that such a rigid milieu spawned. It shakes the philosophical base and intellectually inquires into the eternally rooted beliefs of our society.
Benaka, Bangalore
Dir: B V Karanth
You can also take a safe bet on few of the brands in the market. Its called as " Brand Faith". This brand faith holds very good with Benaka troupe. All there plays will give a feeling of time well spent and thought provoking with humour.
Sattavara Neralu is one my favorite play, it basically questions the very root of the belief system that exists in all monasteries found in all religions through out the world. It makes you realize and destroy the very foundation of the belief system we follow by our acquired knowledge.
Iam not against any monastry heads but what i feel is that when the very original great minds are gone then its gone for ever. When the flower is bloomed and its fragance is felt, it lasts only till it dries out. Once the flower is gone the fragance is also gone with it, You can't have the dead flower its place is in dust bin.
I feel the play is must watch for everyone.
The above snap is from my OSHO album "Pictures of Wisdom".
Iam Justified
I have just jotted down few of the comments from my friends on my first post and tried to answer their questions.
I feel that you should open up ur thoughts. Talk out more of what you think, you feel, you experienced
Thanks for giving me an opportunity to open up.
Seriously i don't understand what you mean by open up ur thoughts :). U mean to say be more practical ? If so then i am very much there.
I am still wondering what me you think my writing or not of my own experiences. I am inking the thoughts what i have experienced but i can no way convince you that its my own.
Let us leave it this apart. To be frank you can't experience anything of your own unless you have a knowledge of what you are going to experience. All our experiences is born out of the knowledge we have acquired.
For example, You are so delighted and blissful when you are in a rose garden with so much colors around you with fragrance spread in the air everywhere. But you are so much disturbed when you are surrounded by unknown plant/bushes in the forest with a weird smell because we don't have the knowledge of it in our database. So we cant experience the same feeling as we did in a rose garden. You tell a rose is beautiful because someone else has told you that roses are lovely or else you wont.
Its a nice topic to be discussed. Something very intense which, people usually shy away from in an open discussion.
Serious it has provoked many people :)
I am now justified that the very word "Provoked" is really powerful. I have not mentioned anything more than the word in itself but its the beauty of human mind to interpret them in the way it wants it to be interpreted :)
The very word is not intense but its the knowledge about that word which is embedded in us makes it so special. Its very simple definition is "To be stimulated" , to be encouraged thats it :)
But we should be amazed of this human instrument which is so much powerful in itself.
Am sure many would find solutions to their problems, through your blog,
Hmm ... i dont think so . But its a good platform to discuss and share the ideas we have but at the end of the day we do what we want to do :)
But its for sure as we start looking at the things around us as it is , we realize there exists no problems at all ,hence the question of finding solution also vanishes .
Thanks guys for commenting and me me think more :)
Keep blogging .....
Friday, April 10, 2009
The very word has so much power in itself. Its good to be provoked, every one enjoys it when provoked at right place and at right times :). Only few accepts that they are provoked.
Anyways what stimulated me to start up this blog?
We do have interesting,worthy,boring,thought provoking and exciting conversations with so many people around us but none of them is as convincing and satisfactory than the dialogue with the self.
Many of us may not be even aware that they involve themselves in self dialogues most of the time. People think its crazy to converse with oneself but its the best that anyone can do to bring out colors within them.
The very motive of this blog is to record my very own dialogues with the self to realize that there is no self :)
Its been a while that myself and koshy was having this weird conversations about varying subjects of least importance to a busy person out there. Anyways thanks to Sunil Koshy for encouraging me to bring out this blog which will be of no use to any one except for a good time pass :)