Hmm ... Provoked :)
The very word has so much power in itself. Its good to be provoked, every one enjoys it when provoked at right place and at right times :). Only few accepts that they are provoked.
Anyways what stimulated me to start up this blog?
We do have interesting,worthy,boring,thought provoking and exciting conversations with so many people around us but none of them is as convincing and satisfactory than the dialogue with the self.
Many of us may not be even aware that they involve themselves in self dialogues most of the time. People think its crazy to converse with oneself but its the best that anyone can do to bring out colors within them.
The very motive of this blog is to record my very own dialogues with the self to realize that there is no self :)
Its been a while that myself and koshy was having this weird conversations about varying subjects of least importance to a busy person out there. Anyways thanks to Sunil Koshy for encouraging me to bring out this blog which will be of no use to any one except for a good time pass :)
Nice to see your blog up so soon :)
Like you said, probably, this is a blog dedicated to the crazy ones, to the ones who dare to talk to themselves & realize things for themselves.
Am sure many would find solutions to their problems, through your blog, Ravi :)
There's an interesting book, Notes to Myself, by Hugh Prather...might make an interesting read!
I feel that you should open up ur thoughts. Talk out more of what you think, you feel, you experienced, what prompted you to start writing something like this. Its a nice topic to be discussed. Something very intense which, people usually shy away from in an open discussion.
Nice to reads something like converse with self. There is nice dialogue form movie Amar Akbar Anthony, in which Amitabh(Anthony) is beaten up and talks to himself seeing in a mirror.
Its his one of the best comedies you can see treating the injured one in the mirror. May be one can do this way to treat from the injuries he/she sustain.
It good to have self medication for ones psychological problems. keep pumping the dialogues ...
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