Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A date with the self

Last evening myself and few of my friends met at a small restaurant for a quick chat. The very motive behind the act was to have a quick drink and with that comes some baseless talks which is of no use to anyone at the end of the day.

I observed that we don't really need a subject to discuss, we all can just talk for hours together on some or the other topics which is of no importance to anyone. I was just wondering why is that we discuss so much into these things which is of value to anyone.

Then i found out the real answer to it, our human body generates so much of energy within us since we take so much of food intake through out day and by the very nature of each of our professions we hardly expense/burn out any energy so naturally the very opportunity to exhaust or finding an outlet to release these energy is very well accepted by this organism and out comes the discussion in full flow. That is the reason we discuss and have so much pleasure out of it. But a very poor man who works through out the day for his meal hardly talks or discuss like us because his energy that is generated is already exhausted in his day today activities.

But in a way what we do is also good because any energy that is generated needs to be utilized or else it might harm in some way or the other to the human organism. The very outlet that we use to dispose our extra energies keeps our self chemically balanced and stable.

During these discussions came out few topics like love, trust , belief and so on. Out in the discussion my very own instrument ( mind ) spilled out a view that all these topics we discussed above when analyzed are just born out of some chemical reactions but when we start relating to them emotionally , we coin new names to it and it is the very cause of misery.

I had a very small question within myself in the statement i made. But when i analyzed i realized that it is very much true.

Let us look exactly into what these above topics is all about. All the topics mentioned above finally results either in happiness or sorrow. In a way it makes us either Laugh or Cry.

All of us have been laughing and crying through out our life but seldom we questioned how or why is that we behave like this. What is that which brings out the heavy feeling within me and make my eyes wet and tears roll down the cheeks. Or in a way what is that which makes me feel so light , makes me laugh and gives such a comfort good feelings.

Is it just emotions/feelings which makes us behave like this or is there anything else to it ?

Let me just ink down the scientific facts to these behaviors of human organism. This human body does not understand any thing called as emotions or feelings. Its the mind or the very thoughts which interprets it the way it wants. And this mind is been conditioned with all the knowledge's which has been acquired by external and internal sources.

What exactly happens when a person cries. The very thoughts within us generates some sort of electrical signals and sends across to the brain which stimulates and gives respective instructions to different glands in our body to secrete different kinds of fluids with varying chemical proteins and hormones. When studied in laboratory the kind of tears generated when a dust falls in our eyes is different from tears that rolls down when we are emotional. Scientists have discovered that the emotional tears contain higher levels of manganese and the harmone prolactin, and this contributes in a reduction of both of these in the body, thus helping to keep depression away.
Many people feel that crying actually calms them after being upset, and this is because the very chemicals which cause depression is released out in the form of tears.

Let us know examine what exactly happens when we laugh. When we laugh, the body makes facial gestures and sounds. The body relaxes during laughter. The diaphragm, abdominal, respiratory, facial, leg and back muscles all get a workout.Scientists have discovered that within four- tenths of a second of seeing something humorous, an electrical wave moved through the cerebral cortex of the brain. If the wave took a negative charge, there was laughter.Laughter has been found to reduce the amount of stress hormones and gives the brain a much comfort feel which is coined as happiness.

My very point of mentioning about all these facts is not to question whether emotions likes Love, trust , faith exists or not. Once we understand these feelings/thoughts at the very basic level then there will be no surprises within us and hence no conflicts and this will finally lead us to a very natural state.

I am really thankful to koshy, Raghu , Anish and Melen for making me realize what exactly is these so called emotions at the very core.

P.S :
Please refer the below link for reference of scientific reasoning on the above topics.
Why we Laugh & Cry


Raghu said...

Well, nice to get the energies flow out. I actually enjoyed the way each of us were trying to prove our point, when drunk this is more obvious that energies only increase so does ones assertion.
I like the way things went fine, in our earlier days I would get disappointed if my views were not respected, now there is changed view to my thoughts. Now I feel if someone doesn't listen to me i realize that I'm more drunk than my limit, or the rest of them respect my drink than my talk :)

Cheers. lets talk.

Prasanna said...

'The wavering of the mind is a weakness arising from the dissipation of its energy in the shape of thoughts; - Shri Ramana Maharshi