As ABH mentioned the discussion on this topic is really never ending :) and it generates so much of energy in each one of us. After reading my previous post, Rajani mentioned that my post seems to be incomplete to her as I have not mentioned when is the right time to say "I Love You".
Yes, I had left the post incomplete on purpose. Since the right time to say "I Love You" is very much subjective to each and every person. The right time for one person may not the right time for another person, but there is/will be always a right time which needs to be realized by each lover.
It was really nice to hear and read the comments as I duly respect each ones views on this subject. Its their right to think on their own which brings out the real thing rather than just accepting others views.
Let me just put forth my view on "Love". Many people have opposed and did not like my outlook on Love for various reasons. Love as such is a very powerful emotion and when broken down to minute detailing, it emerges as sheer need. I know its very difficult to accept Love as just need. But this need is very beautiful in nature when understood and its very natural.
Let me try to explicate further on this. Why is that we look out for love only during particular phase of our life span? Why is that we love a particular person , not whomever we meet ? Why is that only few fall in love not everyone ?.
Without our consciousness there exists a requirement list or a specification document about the kind of person whom we want within ourselves. It is discovered that the need for a opposite sex at the right time and right age is very much essential and natural. We accept someone as our life partner only when there exists a need and also this person satisfies most items in our requirement. That's the reason we fall in love with only a particular person not everyone we meet.
Next to think over is "Is there a need to explicitly express our love"?.
Human mind as such is very clever and cunning. There is nothing wrong with it, its very nature is like that. Without our conciousness mind tends to overrule us in many ways.
As for my experiences goes, there are two different phases/stages in a lovers life. They can be called as pre-love phase and post-love phase :).
Pre-Love phase is stage in which both the parties involved have not verbally communicated about loving each other. It is also called as a fairy tale phase, where in everything looks fancy and lovable without much of reality involved. During this phase, most of the times without our conscious the mind tends to be faking it out and thus hiding our true nature in order to be
in the good books of the other person. That's the reason the so called lover even eats those vegetarian foods even though he hates it to the core :), he says she is beautiful in that gown even though its so obviously awkward :). This phase is kind of masking phase, where in the true nature is masked and impossible to understand the other person.
The transition from Pre-Love to Post-Love is initiated by commitment. This commitment is nothing but in verbal or any other form of clear communication that they are in relationship with each other. When this commitment is done, both the involved parties tend to take the other person granted as they feel to be related. Then the mind relaxes and try to be in its natural state instead of faking. This is when the true nature of the person is revealed.
Only in this post-Love phase actual bonding and understanding of the person takes place.