Just a couple of months back as i was sipping my morning coffee gazing at the blank wall in my room i visualized a life size orange pin board hanging in there. With no delay i canceled all my work for the day and within 6 hours i had my beautiful
LIFE board smiling at me.
As usual my family members got annoyed of my actions and lot of questions followed
"What is this ?"
"Why do you need this board for ?"
"What was the hurry in getting it installed within few hours?"
"Why do you want to spend so much on this useless board?"
I did not have an immediate answer to the above questions as i did not think of them when i thought of getting it. But you just can't walk out when your actions are questioned. You have to either convince them for your actions or else confuse them, if in the first place you don't know why you did it :). I opted for the second one.
I just uttered the first thing that came in my mind , "
Its a life board".
No one was satisfied with my answer which i could very well see from their eyes. Then i started thinking of what i had said. I tried to convince them by saying that this board serves as a multipurpose board. I started listing out the advantages of it to justify my act.
It can be used as a
- remainder board by pinning the bills to be paid ( which i never pay on time )
- goal setting tool ( need to first set a goal to set my goal )
- photo album
- tool kit ( I used to pin my nail cutter, cork opener, scissors, knife, chain , etc ...)
- complaint board (My cousin used to write his letters about things which he can't express on face & pin it)
- board to pin all those role models whom we like to imitate.
- etc , etc ..... the list goes on and on.
I don't know whether they were convinced by my answers but definitely i was.
Its is really a LIFE board, because there is so much in common between the board and our life.
- Both are limitless , its all up to us how creatively we can make it to look good or bad.
- There is always a space to fit anything in it, only thing we need to know is how to adjust the old ones to fit in new one.
- It always stands still and watches you, its up to you to conclude whether its happy or sad.
- Its good to see and recall those happier moments when you are emotionally down, which gives a hope that the night will soon be over and sun will shine bright again shortly.
- It helps you as a guide in reminding you quite often when you are distracted and off track.
- You can't have a better friend than this, because it stands by you at all times and listens to you. Only we need to learn is the art of conversing with it.
- Start loving it and it will never let you feel bored again.
- etc ... etc ..
With sheer love and interest i spent next 48 hours in bringing the life out it. It had everything i can think of , from my birth certificate, photos of childhood, college, office, abroad, photographs of my best friends, spiritual masters, letters from near ones, role models , bills, etc , etc.
The interesting thing was that it kind of turned to be a new attraction in my home. Every visitor was invited to see my new board and no one ever left without appreciating it :). Sorry i had not even taken a picture of it when it was there fully blown.
And today as i was sipping my coffee gazing at the LIFE board i visualized a completely blank board in front of me, and all that i created and decorated for the last few months was destroyed in no time.
My parents were annoyed and unhappy when they saw the empty board in my room. They asked me "whats the use of decorating it so brilliantly if all you wanted is to destroy it ?".
I stood silently gazing at the empty life board because i had no answer.
Then as they walked out of my room, the life board whispered slowly in my ears "
There is a new baby in the womb".