The new toy is finally in my hands for almost a week and its such a great feeling to see my odometer churning to 500. Its kind of celebrating first month birthday of a new born baby :).

I used to think how is it possible to feel what the other person have felt, that too how god feels like. But there lies no logic in lot of things in life. Even you will see that there exists no logic when i narrate the story of how i ended up buying this bike.
It was exactly two weeks back that i decided to take my parents out for a short trip as it was their anniversary. As usual i went onto to google to check out some nearby places which we can cover in a day. I came across this place called as "Male Madeshwara hills (MM Hills)".
And when my near and dear ones asked "Why and Who told you to buy this bike all of a sudden ?", i replied them that it was Lord Shiva who wanted me to get this bike :) and no more questions followed after that. I was even very much surprised that there was hardly any resistance from anyone in getting this bike and i was kind of convinced by those cosmic law which i read long back which states "When you really aspire to get something then the whole universe will conspire itself in making it happen for you".
I kind of enjoying the ride in my new cruiser which is much more pleasurable then cruising in my car. May be you feel more connected with nature when you are on bike because you are one with the wind, sun shine and rain. May be this feeling of merging yourself with the nature is what they might have referred as "Feel like GOD".
Hi Ravi, congratulations! :)
500 kms already? :) Nice:) I liked the answer you have given people who asked you what made you buy the bike :) Maybe thats why it has come within a week after Maha Shivratri :)
Wishing you many more wonderful rides where you feel one with nature :)
And, I just realised, a few pictures of your bike can get on to the "Life Board" :) But this time please don't miss clicking a picture :)
Thanks Archana. The bike was supposed to be delivered on Maha Shivarathri but delayed by 3 days.
Will surely post some pics of my life board shortly.
Nice to see that you have already touched 500...:)
I see the excitement of a child, totally in love with his new toy, since the day you got ur bike :) & that is wat really fascinates me!
Wishing u the most adventurous cruises :) and lots of fun soon !
Have fun & Happy Birthday!
Party Time :)
Wow life on cruiser... should be the way to go... like the post and pics.
Special one is the 4th one, the one with reflection. nice work dude.
The secret!!! is out now :) happy biking...
loved every bit of it :)
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