My only despair is that i cannot go about with the society's decision if the very decision is visibly incorrect and not acceptable for the current situation. May be that decision was wise and acceptable at a different time of era and crises but it cannot be applicable at present, because only thing that will change is the change which is an undeniable
All the people close to me took a single stance stating that you were never been like this earlier. Why don't you go about with the societies decision and lead a happy life than to walk on your way and disrespect others. I always wondered what respect is all about? Is repect means that you don't inquire or don't ask questions and follow what the elders say to you, even if you visibliy feel that its not the truth.
I strongly belive that the mind which has strodden in the path of self inquriy will always lead in the right path, may its not acceptable by the material world. Because there exists no rule book in this universe which gives you the roadmap to live.
I love to share the below quotes from J.Krishanmurthy.
The mind that has really gone into all this, that has entered upon a pilgrimage of inquiry from which there is no return, that is inquiring not only now, during this hour, but from day to day - such a mind will have discovered a state of creation which is all existence. It is what you call truth or God. For that creation to take place, there must be complete aloneness - an aloneness in which there is no attachment, no companionship, either of words or thoughts or memories. It is a total denial of everything which the mind has invented for its own security.
The complete aloneness, in which there is no fear, has its own extraordinary beauty. It is a state of love because it is not the aloneness of reaction; it is a total negation, which is not the opposite of the positive. And, I think it is only in that state of creation that the mind is truly religious. Such a mind needs no meditation: it is itself the eternal. Such a mind is no longer seeking - not that it is satisfied, but it is no longer seeking because there is nothing to seek. It is a total thing, limitless, immeasurable, unnameable.
1 comment:
Very interesting writing :)
We are expected to be 'ideal' kids by not thinking & merely obeying...where all become 'happy'.
People around us and society force us to behave 'normally', and not to think on our own.
I believe real happiness or expression of love is when you set the person free, to do what he or she wants to do...not expecting them to do what you want them to do!
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