Monday, May 4, 2009

Time Machine

I always had a special fascination for this marvelous invention, the history of this machines dates to mythological ages. As life evolved this time machine also evolved rapidly with inventors making it look much more appealing and interesting.

As a child i always dreamed of possessing one for myself. It is one of those wealth every one loves to posses because it gets you to the movement you wish to be. Before even my final exams were started i would start dreaming about how i should spend my vacations at my grandpa's house. I would always want to have those time machines which was shown in movies in my very own hands, so that with the click of a button or tying the lovely instrument to you wrist would take me to the places of my choice and time frame.

Everyone of us love to dream, we dream when we are asleep and we dream even when awake. So the thoughts (dream) is always there within us till the very source of thought gets destroyed.
Its a perpetuating machine.

I strongly believed that there existed no time machines in this universe but very recently got to believe that there exists a time machine in each one of us. With this time machine we have an option to fly to any place and time frame of our choices.

Isn't the Time Machine really a wonderful creation !

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Ravi...
Reminds me of my fascination for time machines too :)
The thought of being able to go into the past or the future, or whereever I wanted go would thrill me completely!
