The weekend started something like this with no plans, me breaking my head working on some useless logic to get in place and then i was dragged by Raghu to have some quality time. Even though i went with half heart later i realized how foolish it would have been if i had missed that party. It was one of those simplest party on the terrace overseen by clear dark sky and was entertained with koshy's romantic numbers. Still the memories of the night is very fresh within me.
I was awaked next morning with Rashmi inviting me for her Birthday party followed by my ex-collegues ordering me to join on the same evening for a get together. It was altogether a great partying weekend which re-assured me that that "Never miss an oppurtunity in life to party".
I would like to thank all my friends for making this a great weekend and i am sure that we will have more of them.
Few memorable moments captured at Rashmi's Birthday party.
Hey Good Snaps and the write up... I'll add few more taken from my cam soon...
Thanks for the pics...was a nice time with 3 parties & meeting lotsa frnds.
Late saturday night dinner with philosophers on terrace :), followed by Rashmi's birthday treat & a friends' gettogether :)
Happy Birthday to Rashmi! :)
good goin bro...nice pics...
Ravi, after looking at the yummy cake, all I wanted to do was eat one.Lucky me, today there was a birthday celebration in the team and I finally ate one just now:) Now I am satisfied :)
July 6, 2009 4:43 PM
I have been so selfish! I forgot to add that I am glad to know you had a nice weekend :)
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