All the books which have been released till date on UG is generally written by his friends who just archived his talks into a book. Most his videos have been shot with normal cameras by his friends and his admirers. Never he had accepted to get on stage and given lectures after his calamity. He always took a stand saying that he is no different from anyone.
It is very much true that when you go searching you will always find what you want. It so happens with the help of cosmos that out of no where suddenly i get to know about the release of this book just two days back and i myself landed in Crossword to meet Mahesh Bhatt , author this book who was in Bangalore to release his book.
This was the first time i had seen Mahesh in person and he seemed to be very much composed. He read the very first chapter of the book with such an emotion that everyone out there was taken into the room of UG where he took his last breath.
The book clears shows how UG walked his talk till the end. UG was so composed even in death by accepting with such open arms. He said that death and birth are no different things and are two faces of the same coin. His talks in his death bed proves his words what he had said during his talks.
The book captures how UG orchestrated his death in detail.
It really makes us realize even in life we would not have lived the way how he lived in his death.
Nice one. I have been recently exposed to UG by you. His thoughts are amazing and true to life.
Seldom people can understand the best things in life. Its these simple things that should be understood not so call coplex philosophy.
Your thoughts the new book on UG is extremely simple in words as I compile your thoughts too..
good work..
Ravi, your words, posts here are really blazing and amazing. Life knows no sermons or shackles. Thanks.
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