Every one reminds us of our mile-stone’s during the phase of life. Either they applaud you on reaching your milestone or else they keep whining of not reaching the mile stone yet. These mile-stones are in directly proportional to your age factor and it does matter how fast you race to them. The leader in the race is widely accepted universally, it is like your Visa card.
Lately I was trying to understand these preset mile-stones for each of us. And how they arrived at a common formula for everyone.
Out of this curiosity, I checked the literal meaning of the mile-stone in the dictionary. It says "milestone is a stone marker set up on a roadside to indicate the distance in miles to a given point or destination". In a sense it’s a marker placed at regular distances displaying the distances covered and distances yet to be traveled to reach the destination.
Then my mind got into the act of co relating how these milestones referred by others plays its part in my life. Why is that I can’t understand or go with the options put forth by others to me? May be as they say we need to get into others shoes to understand what they mean.
I decided to slip myself in their shoes, it's more like getting into others souls :). To my surprise I can look at the milestones very clearly with bright vibrant colors which will not be missed out even if you want to. It made me wonder how that the visibility is so much when viewed through their lenses. I can visualize a clearly chalked out milestones for your whole life span.
For the first time I was feeling stressed out in others soul, but decided to stay back for some more time in analyzing the objects in front of me :).
There I saw the first milestone set for us, it’s our birth or coming into this world. Yes it is indeed the toughest struggle for life by any individual in his life time. But amazingly there exists no trace of it in any corner of our mind. Is it because we don’t have mind by then or else the mind being in such a natural state without any contamination that it has so much potency to fight out anything with ease. From then on our milestones are put forth in every walk of life.
I felt like I am driving a car and seeing the life phases as I pass through each milestone. My journey continued through different milestones like admission into school, stepping out of college, degree, job, marriage, kids, and grandparents and so on. I felt myself trembling in their soul and it was so uneasy being there, because the mind in their lives with lot of baseless desires which are networked much messier than the internet. Each is so interdependent and connected that you feel completely lost if you are not in the race.
I was feeling myself constantly and desperately looking out for milestones throughout my journey missing out on those beautiful landscape and nature passing behind me. By the time I arrive at a milestone, I briskly grasp what my next milestone is and speed up to be in race.
I felt bleak and my heart seemed heavy but was glad that I have an option to return to my own soul. Quickly I stepped back to my sweet soul :).
For the first time I felt I am at paradise. There is so much pleasure with each a

Then I realized the more we look out for milestones hoping to stay in peace at destination, sooner the stone will be erected etching "May his soul rest in peace" :).
P.S: I pat my back on reaching this milestone of publishing my 50th article on my blog.
Congrats! Calls for Golden Jubilee celebrations :)!!!
The article makes so much sense to me, enjoyed reading it early morning in your brother's office :)!
Great writing....Keep posting more & more :)
Your fan...
Congratulations on completion of half century... Great thoughts on mile stones...
Hi Ravi, Congratulations! :) ...and celebrations..:)
Liked the way you have concluded the writeup :)
Gr8...Congracts...You have reached your one more Milestone..:)
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