The pattern is very much fixed, starting with a peaceful stroll along the lake to a nearby bakery and sip hot ginger tea. The reason for tea is to initiate our discussion which covers varying subjects which if anyone overhear will dump them into useless category.
We very rarely run out of subjects for discussion because we can literally talk of everything that exists on this world. Once we got into the blogging world we tend to share views on the recently read articles in the blogs. During our talks he mentioned about a well written article but felt that the title of the post to be totally irrelevant with the content of it. I was thinking of the same as i finished my morning rituals and the outcome of it is the birth of this post.
Naming an article is more like naming a new born baby. Finding a name is an arduous task, there are so many parameters to be considered before you zero in. Generally it should not be common, as well as duplicated and also to be different. Your life turns out to be a hell when the religious and superstitious beliefs also finds a place in the act.
In case of naming an article, it works either ways i,e you either have a title in mind and then start scribbling around that it or else you write some crap and find a suitable title for it.
But few times it so happens that you find an interesting movie named "Dracula" and you expect to watch an horror drama but it turns out to be a soulful love story with just one song starting with "Dracula" :) in it. May be the producer liked the word so much that the director did not have much say. Even it happens few times during blogging that we tend to have a title in mind and would retain the same even if the content is totally something else.
And most of the time the name is unparalleled with the nature or appearance of a person. Its like the person's name is "Shakthi" (meaning healthy/powerful) and you find the actual person to be so weak he can't even spell his own name properly with out gulping glucose. These kinds of things also happen in the writers world too where in some one has titled his blog's post as "Anaconda" and the its about a recipe for Christmas dish.
Most of the times it happens that finish writing your article in 30 min and it take half a day in finding out the right title for it.
Anyways even we tend to get attracted to people by their name but later realize them to be totally different. Same with blog titles too, it makes it path into others hearts only when its essence means something to the reader.
Hi Ravi, As I read through your post, my mind in no time recalled the related incidents that I have experienced.I agree to every word that is penned:) Lovely articulation! :)
And, about pattern...yes, it is a HABIT...remove "H" a bit remains;remove "A" bit remains; remove "B" it remains and if I go ahead and remove the "I" t (tea) remains :) and so does your wonderful thoughts some which are born while you sip hot ginger tea with your friends! :)
Hi Ravi..I am still laughing.."SHAKTI" line...Beautifully Articulated..:)
Hey Ravi...
Very nice post! And thank you so much :)
I realized the real power of blogging through this post!
Ravi , nice one . Between you made me to think and recall all of my post title :). I guess they make sense to the post right? :D.
Really it is just nice feeling to go for walk with silly friend with silly talk . Nothing refreshes our mind than having ginger tea with useless topic. It is just such a cozy walk and talk with koshy :) .
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