Thursday, May 7, 2009

First experience is the last experience

Its all started when my 31/2 years old niece Lakshmi want to go for swimming. She had always dreamed of swimming and would get so excited when she would watch someone swimming. She would imitate them by making actions of swimming lying on the floor.

She would ask so many questions to me on how to swim ? what would be the color of water in the swimming pool ? I don't like it to be blue color can we turn them to pink when we go for swimming and so many more questions flooded when she has thoughts of swimming flowing in her mind.

Yesterday was the day her dream came true.

She woke up early yesterday and walked into my room asking "Mama, will you take me to swimming today ?". These were the first words that came out of her lovely lips. I thought to myself maybe she might have been dreaming of swimming last night. I felt i should take her today its too much of a wait for her.

Myself , Lakshmi and whole family finally landed ourselves in country club by afternoon. On the way she had so many questions on swimming pool. "Mama, will there be water in the pool today ? Will be there fishes in the pool ? Can i mix my water colors in the pool before i get into it ? I would like to swim with the fishes and on and on.

When we walked near the pool, she was so much excited seeing children playing in the water. She wanted to jump into water immediately, she got dressed in a flash and went to the pool all by herself. She was strolling in the blue water contended and happy that her dream of swimming has finally come true.

She slipped and finally landed herself upside down in the water. As the fluid rushed through her nostrils her joy of swimming also washed out from her heart. She has got her first water phobia attack and the very next moment she wanted to be out of water. It took us a lot of effort to get her back into water and finally she started to play again but still with little bit of phobia left behind.

All of us dream like Lakshmi to do the things which we have not done in our lives. We draft out so many plans on what/how i should do to get there. We visualize, feel and literally live in our dreams of what we want to have or how we should be when we are there. But when the moment awaited comes before us and if some unpleasant incident happens, our dreams gets shattered then the very experience becomes awful.

These first time experiences always has a permanent place in our brains. Once registered the brain always references these records when a similar circumstance is confronted and since the first experience is unpleasant its very difficult to have a fresh look into the new situation.

The quote "First experience is the last experience" remains forever if we don't understand the working of our mind to the core.

But i am glad that Lakshmi could able to get over her phobia so easily because her mind is not yet conditioned as us.


Unknown said...

Simply love the way kids think & imagine. Like Lakshmi wanting to paint the pool pink & wanting to swim with fish! :)
They are no boundaries to their imaginations & can think of the wildest things...


ABH said...

Beautiful :)
Hope the little one is out of the phobia completely and gets to mix her water colors in the pool:)