Its from those Adam and eve's time that people are interested in having an attractive skin and even more gorgeous attire to compete with the layer below. Most of the times we feel that the apparel adored by others are more appealing than with what we are covered with. It is very evident if you look out, if you see a gorgeous model with a lovely skirt on a television ad the very next day you can find your colleague gowning it even though it might not suit her.
Time have changed now and we cannot generalize these clothe things as feminine. As girls step out of the doors and demand an equal rights in all the things guys do, so does guys skid behind and do things which girls once adored. Even guys now a days talk about clothes, ear rings and skin coloring :).
I accompanied my niece the other day to circus and everyone was applauding and delighted when an elephant covered with denim trousers and jacket emerged behind the screen. I could not laugh as i was thinking what the elephant's state would be with those skin tight costumes. Even my sis used to dress up our doggy "Tony" with shorts & T-shirt for any occasion at home and all visitors would appreciate and feel elated but when undressed we will find him running around with such a joy stating that this is how he likes to be.

Even though we find varying colors in skins across the globe, all are born with beautiful skins and undoubtedly the best and comfortable attire to fit in. But the society or the culture demands us to follow a certain code hence we get wrapped ourselves with the best wrapper we find but alas it should be comfortable enough.
They say beauty always lies beneath the skin but most of us are not equipped with the instrument to visualize what lies beneath. Hence the outer cover is also as important as what lies in the book in order for a normal reader to grasp them.
May be that's the reason why i keep changing my blog skins so often, hope it looks sexy :)
Good Analysis Ravi!
Interesting subject - Skin! :)
Like how the cover of a book or of a cd can catch my attention with its beautiful colours & texture...
However, the contents of the book or the cd decide whether it finds a place in my heart or not :)
Very well written, Ravi...!
Hi Ravi,
Someday, I would also want to get into the "Skin" of any "Theme" the way you do! :)
Just like Tony....one should feel free and nice in what they wear, be it skin or dresses and not forget to light that all up with a Smile :)
I agree with Koshy, content - including photographs is king. BTW have just blogrolled you.
Commenting on what ABH said: A smile is a curved line that sets everything straight.
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