Monday, December 21, 2009
A Virgin Xmas Album ...
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
The burning curtain
It’s very difficult to reason out everything in life, there are so many things that does not confine within the boundaries of logic and reasoning’s. This is kind of strange what I am going to mention, every time I have high fever I am accompanied by a dream and the strangest part of it is that I get the same dream every time. As we have an indicator for everything around us, do does I have a biological indicator within me. Every time I get this dream and woke up it is that the temperature is high and it’s about to reside.
We used to live in a very small house during our childhood but it’s one of the beautiful homes I have ever lived. There used to be a loft running along the living room, the only room. My mom used to cover this loft esthetically with cleanly stitched frilled curtains from her old sarees and it used to look so beautiful and also there exists a lane of elephants painted to the front rim of the loft.
Every time when I used to have fever I used to dream about this curtain on fire and the climax would be me screaming that the curtains are getting charred with fire and wake up. I can detail out each and every thing in that dream because I have been dreaming the same one from last 25 years or more but as things change so thus this dream. I am just writing this one waking up from my fresh dream having high fever J , kind of crazy isn’t.
My mom is scolding me as I am writing this post, what the hell iam doing at 3am with fever and typing a useless post rather than having rest. But I want to cherish each and every details of my new dream. I don’t know whether it’s a boon or bane but I can remember my dreams very clearly with minute details. I took all the pain in writing this since it’s such a pleasure to put down things when they are very fresh and later on the heat is lost. I can feel the heat in my eyes as I write down these lines.
I wake up from my dream sweating heavily just few minutes back and it took few minutes to realize that it’s just a dream. In my new dream J I was chased and bitten everywhere by this huge black Doberman dog. This dog was the one that used to live in our neighborhood J in my childhood and it had hardly spared anyone in our street and was finally made to rest by its owner when he was attacked. I was fighting helplessly with the dog and somehow end up myself in a grave yard. The next scene in my dream is me eating the meat which is completely blunt and half cooked. It was kind of salty and I was not enjoying it. I was also accompanied with few others who are total strangers to me but serving me with fresh pieces of human meat. And when I try to have big bite my tooth broke and I cry out in pain that’s when I woke up and came out of my dream world. It took me few minutes to realize that it’s just a dreamJ.
I narrated my dream to my mom and she was taken back and emptied the room to fetch some more hot water whispering to herself “Amma Kadavala (oh GOD)”.
Friday, December 11, 2009

Yesterday was one of those countable days where in all my actions were driven by just intuition and the results were very convincing in all the ways. After finishing most of my works i felt i should watch a play today. It was already a couple of months that I had visited Ranga shankara, but it was already 7pm and the play starts at 7.15pm. I thought i should some how make it today. I rushed myself and just managed to squeeze between the closing gates.
"Galbaski" , yes thats the name of the plays name. I have never heard about it earlier, I was even not sure which language the play is until it started.
Sometimes these incidents in your life makes you realize that we should look out and start reading these signs which confronts you very often, may be thats what even Paulo coelho mentioned in his writings.
I was glad that I made it for such a wonderful, thought provoking play. It was really worth for the strain and effort I took in getting there for the play. The play revolves around the life of a prostitute and the way society uses her. The highlight of the play is the character "Mirror". The author is very talented in letting out his message through a common mirror. Everyone likes to see themselves in the mirror but what we see in mirror is not what exactly we are, but the mask we carry upon us.
The play was very well scripted and the Hindustani alap rendered by a young singer was so soothing that most of the time I was watching him singing rather than play. His voice had so much power that, even though it was in the backdrop it was highlighted.
Play: Galbaski
Playwright: Coffee Raghavendra
Director: KSDL Chandru
Troupe: Roopantara, Bengaluru
I just remembered a Zen meditation which talks about healing powers of mirror. It says if we stand naked in front of the mirror every day for few minutes then we get cleansed naturally without any effort because there is so much power in nakedness and its difficult to watch complete nakedness.
Below is one of my experiments with nakedness.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Besuge- The bonding ...
You always feel good if someone you know make it big. Yes yesterday was one of those moments when two of my friends came up with a musical album of their own. Even though I was an uninvited guest at the occasion I really enjoyed a lot seeing their dreams come true. I know how much effort and sacrifices they did to get where they are now.
It’s really inspiring to see them doing something on their own and releasing to the world. It’s almost year and a half that I know Arun & Surya, the very meeting with them made me feel that they are really interested in music to the core. They keep proving my assumptions right by constantly doing some or the other thing in the field they have chosen.
Finally they have reached a milestone which is their start into a real fascinating & competitive journey. I am sure they will reach very great heights by their talent & unshaken discipline. I wish them a bright & joyful success for all their future projects.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Kavigala Mecca - Kavishaila
Monday, November 9, 2009
A treat with out a meat is never a treat ....

Saturday, November 7, 2009
what i shall write....

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Anish wedding @ Gods Own Country
I always wondered why is that many term Kerala alone as "GODS OWN COUNTRY" , as if other places are created by some devils :). But was kind of satisfied with their claims after this tour.
Every one desires to have a final boarding pass to Heaven, which is said to be place only for the blessed ones where the greenery exists as far you eye, where the rivers are flooded with wine , fed with delectable food served by beautiful women.
There ends the similarities of Kerala with heaven :).
Once again wishing Anish a happy & prosperous married life. And a special thanks to Ajish & Ashish for such a lovely hospitality.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
The other side of the coin ....
Yesterday i was late and hurriedly getting ready then i noticed someone staring at me. Then i found him to be my house maid's son. He was in his own world playing with a coin and smiling at me. His smile was more of a teaser, his eyes sparkling with the innocence. It made me think for while and made me to capture those moments for ever.
Check out his innocence .....
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Return of Maveli
The story goes like this, Maveli or Bali was born of Devamba to Veerochana, the son of Prahlada. He grew up under the tutelage of his grandfather who instilled in him a sense of righteousness and Bhakti. Bali succeeded his grandfather to become king of the Asuras. There was peace and prosperity everywhere during his reign.
He expanded his kingdom and usurped the heaven. The vanquished Devas then complained to their protector Vishnu, who assured them that he himself would restore the authority of Devas. Bali, at the behest of his Guru Sukracharya decided to conduct the Ashwamedha Yagam.
During the Yagam, Vishnu, in the guise of a small Brahmin boy (Vamana), appeared before Bali and asked for three paces of land. Bali, who had vowed not to refuse anyone, promptly granted the wish, even ignoring the warnings of his guru. Vamana measured all the worlds and the sky with two paces. Then, Bali offered himself for the third pace and was thus banished to the Patala.
However, impressed by Bali's unselfish devotion and unwavering "dharma", Vishnu granted him the permission to visit his subjects once every year. This day is celebrated throught kerala as Onam and they believe that their king will visit their home and along with him bring wealth and happiness.
This onam song still remains so fresh in my memories. It was beautifully composed by Vijay Krishna and equally rendered by Koshy.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009

The pattern is very much fixed, starting with a peaceful stroll along the lake to a nearby bakery and sip hot ginger tea. The reason for tea is to initiate our discussion which covers varying subjects which if anyone overhear will dump them into useless category.
We very rarely run out of subjects for discussion because we can literally talk of everything that exists on this world. Once we got into the blogging world we tend to share views on the recently read articles in the blogs. During our talks he mentioned about a well written article but felt that the title of the post to be totally irrelevant with the content of it. I was thinking of the same as i finished my morning rituals and the outcome of it is the birth of this post.
Naming an article is more like naming a new born baby. Finding a name is an arduous task, there are so many parameters to be considered before you zero in. Generally it should not be common, as well as duplicated and also to be different. Your life turns out to be a hell when the religious and superstitious beliefs also finds a place in the act.
In case of naming an article, it works either ways i,e you either have a title in mind and then start scribbling around that it or else you write some crap and find a suitable title for it.
But few times it so happens that you find an interesting movie named "Dracula" and you expect to watch an horror drama but it turns out to be a soulful love story with just one song starting with "Dracula" :) in it. May be the producer liked the word so much that the director did not have much say. Even it happens few times during blogging that we tend to have a title in mind and would retain the same even if the content is totally something else.
And most of the time the name is unparalleled with the nature or appearance of a person. Its like the person's name is "Shakthi" (meaning healthy/powerful) and you find the actual person to be so weak he can't even spell his own name properly with out gulping glucose. These kinds of things also happen in the writers world too where in some one has titled his blog's post as "Anaconda" and the its about a recipe for Christmas dish.
Most of the times it happens that finish writing your article in 30 min and it take half a day in finding out the right title for it.
Anyways even we tend to get attracted to people by their name but later realize them to be totally different. Same with blog titles too, it makes it path into others hearts only when its essence means something to the reader.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Every one reminds us of our mile-stone’s during the phase of life. Either they applaud you on reaching your milestone or else they keep whining of not reaching the mile stone yet. These mile-stones are in directly proportional to your age factor and it does matter how fast you race to them. The leader in the race is widely accepted universally, it is like your Visa card.
Lately I was trying to understand these preset mile-stones for each of us. And how they arrived at a common formula for everyone.
Out of this curiosity, I checked the literal meaning of the mile-stone in the dictionary. It says "milestone is a stone marker set up on a roadside to indicate the distance in miles to a given point or destination". In a sense it’s a marker placed at regular distances displaying the distances covered and distances yet to be traveled to reach the destination.
Then my mind got into the act of co relating how these milestones referred by others plays its part in my life. Why is that I can’t understand or go with the options put forth by others to me? May be as they say we need to get into others shoes to understand what they mean.
I decided to slip myself in their shoes, it's more like getting into others souls :). To my surprise I can look at the milestones very clearly with bright vibrant colors which will not be missed out even if you want to. It made me wonder how that the visibility is so much when viewed through their lenses. I can visualize a clearly chalked out milestones for your whole life span.
For the first time I was feeling stressed out in others soul, but decided to stay back for some more time in analyzing the objects in front of me :).
There I saw the first milestone set for us, it’s our birth or coming into this world. Yes it is indeed the toughest struggle for life by any individual in his life time. But amazingly there exists no trace of it in any corner of our mind. Is it because we don’t have mind by then or else the mind being in such a natural state without any contamination that it has so much potency to fight out anything with ease. From then on our milestones are put forth in every walk of life.
I felt like I am driving a car and seeing the life phases as I pass through each milestone. My journey continued through different milestones like admission into school, stepping out of college, degree, job, marriage, kids, and grandparents and so on. I felt myself trembling in their soul and it was so uneasy being there, because the mind in their lives with lot of baseless desires which are networked much messier than the internet. Each is so interdependent and connected that you feel completely lost if you are not in the race.
I was feeling myself constantly and desperately looking out for milestones throughout my journey missing out on those beautiful landscape and nature passing behind me. By the time I arrive at a milestone, I briskly grasp what my next milestone is and speed up to be in race.
I felt bleak and my heart seemed heavy but was glad that I have an option to return to my own soul. Quickly I stepped back to my sweet soul :).
For the first time I felt I am at paradise. There is so much pleasure with each a

Then I realized the more we look out for milestones hoping to stay in peace at destination, sooner the stone will be erected etching "May his soul rest in peace" :).
P.S: I pat my back on reaching this milestone of publishing my 50th article on my blog.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Ganesha ...
“My Ganesha is more beautiful and he has bigger tummy than yours! “, these were the words of my four year old nice Laxmi when she came for Ganesha Chaturthi yesterday. Her comments were filled with great authority and warmth as if she is talking about her very close friend. It made me think why is that all kids feel so related only to Ganesha even though we have so many gods out there.
Even I was crazy about him as a kid, may be because Ganesha is more of a cartoon character figure than a god. He is so much fun filled with the elephant face and equipped with weird costumes like snakes and rats as his friends. These fairy tale details leave a long lasting imprint in these tender brains forever. And the other reason being most kids have grown up listening to the ever interesting heroic deeds of bal Ganesh.
Every child loves to hear/see the little elephant faced kid doing mischievous things and still escapes uncaught from the radar of elder’s not to do list. One thing why everyone likes this festival was that he was one god who felt more like a friend and secondly because of those yummy sweets prepared for him. You know it’s not a joke to raise an elephant :).
Those childhood memories still remain so fresh in me, when we used to live in a small rented place which did not have the luxury of a separate pooja room. Hence a small portion of the kitchen shelf was converted as a guest room for Ganesha during his stay.
Usually the festive fever would start almost a week before his arrival and each year we would plan his stay to at most fun with newer decorations and sweets. His three day stay would be a treat for everyone at home as if our very close relative is at home and we would be literally crying when the third day arrives where in we have say good bye to him.
As my hairs turning grey, the fear and the feeling of god in me totally changed but the very love for Ganesha still remains with the freshness as it bloomed. Even though all these gods are just an ideology and part of those brilliantly depicted epics, I bow myself to the level of creativity and passion with which these characters have been evolved over time.
I was always left with no word when I used to hear those incredible fables of lord Ganesha. He turns out to be a hero for me during my childhood days. He seemed to be so different and appealing in all means when compared to other gods.
The idea of cloning or bringing up a child in the labs artificially has been very new to the world. But you will be surprised if I tell you that Ganesha too came into existence by one of these similar means. Yup! He was given life by his mom “Paru :) alias Parvathi”, using the dust or dirt/skin from her body. Hence technically he evolved out of some cultured cells from his mom. Isn’t his birth so fascinating :) and challenging to the science at those times.
It’s proven that the technology of organ transplantation existed very long ago because the very first organ transplantation was conducted on Lord Ganesha. He still holds the world record of only person who has been transplanted with a head of a different species.
Few of my favorite fables of Ganesha were when his stomach bursts and he holds back by tying the snake as his waist belt, he also negotiates with the passing by rat to be his vehicle to reach his home and later on in the war field he breaks his one of his tusks and uses it as a weapon. All these qualities of him demonstrate the art of living and also his managerial qualities.
Anyways I had a great time yesterday with Ganesha and do check few of the photographs of his stay.
Thursday, August 20, 2009

Its from those Adam and eve's time that people are interested in having an attractive skin and even more gorgeous attire to compete with the layer below. Most of the times we feel that the apparel adored by others are more appealing than with what we are covered with. It is very evident if you look out, if you see a gorgeous model with a lovely skirt on a television ad the very next day you can find your colleague gowning it even though it might not suit her.
Time have changed now and we cannot generalize these clothe things as feminine. As girls step out of the doors and demand an equal rights in all the things guys do, so does guys skid behind and do things which girls once adored. Even guys now a days talk about clothes, ear rings and skin coloring :).
I accompanied my niece the other day to circus and everyone was applauding and delighted when an elephant covered with denim trousers and jacket emerged behind the screen. I could not laugh as i was thinking what the elephant's state would be with those skin tight costumes. Even my sis used to dress up our doggy "Tony" with shorts & T-shirt for any occasion at home and all visitors would appreciate and feel elated but when undressed we will find him running around with such a joy stating that this is how he likes to be.

Even though we find varying colors in skins across the globe, all are born with beautiful skins and undoubtedly the best and comfortable attire to fit in. But the society or the culture demands us to follow a certain code hence we get wrapped ourselves with the best wrapper we find but alas it should be comfortable enough.
They say beauty always lies beneath the skin but most of us are not equipped with the instrument to visualize what lies beneath. Hence the outer cover is also as important as what lies in the book in order for a normal reader to grasp them.
May be that's the reason why i keep changing my blog skins so often, hope it looks sexy :)
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Lalbagh Flower Show 2009
Seriously i had no intentions of going to flower show this year as the fever of H1N1 spread wide and deep into each ones mind, i was even told by family and close friends not to go to Lalbagh as it is like inviting the virus all by yourself. But touch hood i am pretty healthy as i am writing this article :). But the fear of virus was reflecting from every iris in the backdrop of those lovely colors of the flowers.
The dinosaurs were appealing but the sounds it made was kind of irritating but the Thai floral arrangement is really appreciable. The spiky cactus is worth mentioning.
I have exposed the Flower show pics for all those who backed out either because of virus fear or really had some valid reasons to skip. This is for you guys :).
Camera: Kodak Z650 Digital Camera ( 6.1 Mega Pixels )
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Theme Fever ...

This word keeps intruding my ear quite often. The other day i dropped into my brothers office who is an architect and found his client discussing to have his nest designed with a theme of a flower. And later on my cousin invited me for her fashion show where in she is displaying her collections based on the theme of clouds. And this theme fever have been infected each and every thing surrounding us. We can see all the reality shows, dance events and even cookery programs on television are programmed with a theme in backdrop.
But i am glad that these theme infections have really given birth to so much artistic master pieces and there by provoking the otherwise dull mundane minds.
When it comes to shows & theme based events, Bangalore is always in the for

I somehow never missed the shows for the last 3 years. I generally never want to let out an occasion to open out my lenses and there can't be any other better event than this. But what i hate in these flower shows is standing in the queues to get into the park. In order to avoid all these things i sneak into the park at around 5 am when still most of the people are in bed and the other reason is to capture those morning dew on those lovely flowers and petals. This would be the only time you can grab the flowers with out any human interference in the camera frame.
Let me see whether i could able to keep up my record of not missing the flower show this year too.
These were some of the pictures captured in last year flower show 2008.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Makeover ...
I was kind of absorbed in my own projects yesterday from morning and suddenly i got a call from koshy. He said he will drop in to my place and he has something to show to me. I was wondering what it might be. When he finally landed himself in front of my gate, he was not welcomed by tony (my pet) as usual. Then i came out of my room to fetch him and was stunned for a second looking at his new makeover.
He had this cute long hair style done. I felt people need to have these makeover in life, because its these small things in life which makes life so interesting. Even though these makeover are peripheral they have a huge impact internally, because all our actions are transformed by these internal thoughts.
Immediately i gave my camera some work after a long time and really enjoyed the photo shoot which lasted for hardly 1o min as my camera's batteries got drained.
Anyway check out few of the videos and pics fresh out of my studio :)
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Whats in the name ?
I was wondering when she asked me how is my "Yuvarani" ? for a second i thought her cousin or some one but later came to know it was her scooty, like this she has name for her room, pen, car, specs, hair band, slippers , what not :). Now you might agree that she is weird ?
Check out the pictures of her "Chandini" , wondering who is Chandini ?
Saturday, July 11, 2009
A Taste of Life

All the books which have been released till date on UG is generally written by his friends who just archived his talks into a book. Most his videos have been shot with normal cameras by his friends and his admirers. Never he had accepted to get on stage and given lectures after his calamity. He always took a stand saying that he is no different from anyone.
It is very much true that when you go searching you will always find what you want. It so happens with the help of cosmos that out of no where suddenly i get to know about the release of this book just two days back and i myself landed in Crossword to meet Mahesh Bhatt , author this book who was in Bangalore to release his book.
This was the first time i had seen Mahesh in person and he seemed to be very much composed. He read the very first chapter of the book with such an emotion that everyone out there was taken into the room of UG where he took his last breath.
The book clears shows how UG walked his talk till the end. UG was so composed even in death by accepting with such open arms. He said that death and birth are no different things and are two faces of the same coin. His talks in his death bed proves his words what he had said during his talks.
The book captures how UG orchestrated his death in detail.
It really makes us realize even in life we would not have lived the way how he lived in his death.
U.G Krishnamurthi - an enigma

Yes, these were my experiences when i stumbled upon this personality when i was searching some thing on the internet and came across him. It was an usual website with the greeting message been replaced by a warning stating something like this.
"U.G Krishnamurti, an enigma--a person who defies all classifications--a philosopher, a Non-guru, guru, call him what you may. But, once you have read even a few words, seen a photo of his, your psyche will never be the same. He will permeate your being. His words and images will infect your mind like a virus. So, proceed with caution in exploring these conversations, quotes and photo".
I was planning to write on him for a long time but never it happened, fortunately i saw an ad of a new book on him titled "A Taste Of Life: The Last Days Of U.G.Krishnamurti" written by his very close friend Mahesh Bhatt. Immediately i called upon my friend koshy and raghu and decided to get the copy and also meet the author in person as he was launching the book himself.
Yesterday there was a official book release by Mahesh Bhatt and also a Q&A sessions. It was really a great event organized and with most of the participants who were part of those inner circle most of them who knew UG in person.
I just raised one question to Mahesh Bhatt "Sir, UG is considered to be an anti-guru and through out his life he told that you don't need a guru or anyone to know your self or to lead a contented life, Do you personally feel that is there a need of someone really ?".
He just thought for a second and his answers were very much satisfactory for me. He said " Yes for me, i wanted a master and good that i found one".
His words also found answers for few of my own questions too.
Thanks for Mahesh Bhatt in sharing out his experiences with UG during his last days, when he was waiting for his death. I just finished the whole book in one shot, it is so lively that i never realized when i finished the book it was almost 4.30 am and coincidentally this time relates so much to UG when he was waiting at his death.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Monday, July 6, 2009
Never Say "No" for a party
The weekend started something like this with no plans, me breaking my head working on some useless logic to get in place and then i was dragged by Raghu to have some quality time. Even though i went with half heart later i realized how foolish it would have been if i had missed that party. It was one of those simplest party on the terrace overseen by clear dark sky and was entertained with koshy's romantic numbers. Still the memories of the night is very fresh within me.
I was awaked next morning with Rashmi inviting me for her Birthday party followed by my ex-collegues ordering me to join on the same evening for a get together. It was altogether a great partying weekend which re-assured me that that "Never miss an oppurtunity in life to party".
I would like to thank all my friends for making this a great weekend and i am sure that we will have more of them.
Few memorable moments captured at Rashmi's Birthday party.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Knowledge is Pain in disguise

But what goes unnoticed and unobserved most of the time is that the same knowledge which gives the sense of power is the root cause of pain in disguise.
There are moments when i hoped that i would have been as innocent as others who just go about with the flow of the events without even knowing what exactly is the cause of the event. But once we posses the reasoning and logical knowledge which portrays the event as unworthy then we go about resisting the same which causes a displeasure in the self.
The resistance reaction of the self is involuntary and is very nature of the human being. But to understand the core of it is very important since only then we can take the right decision in that specific moment. The very effort in understanding the cause of resistance brings out the nonresistance in the self.
The acquired knowledge within the self brings about a resistance which in disguise brings out the pain until the analyzing component within the self is analyzed.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Think With Your Heart

I am very much sure that each of you have heard the above phrase some or the other time. It’s one of those widely used phrases by all religious and spiritual guys. It’s one of those powerful lines by which you can make most people yield to what you want them to believe.
Very recently I was wondering what the phrase “Think/Listen” with your heart actually means. Does it mean that we have to think with our heart rather than our brain? Can we also think from our heart ? Why that the nature molded you to think with two organs than one?
Being of the non-believer persuasion, I usually think and accept the facts with proofs.
It made me to investigate further on the power house of all beings "The heart". And my study pointed me out that heart functionality limits only to the pumping of the blood and nothing more. It’s very clear from the study that heart does not have the functionality of thinking or making decisions that part is only left only with the brain.
But there are few case studies which points out that there exist few neurons around heart as in brain which they claim to have the individual thinking capability because of which we experience discomfort and heaviness in the heart when we are emotional. But when clearly observed we can know that these neurons exists for different functionality than thinking and the discomfort is because of secretion of certain hormones when we are emotional which affects the functionality of heart.
I somehow strongly believe that emotions are the root cause of all sufferings. Basically we need to understand human body at the root and may be that what they meant by saying "man has no way to go than inwards".
As for my understanding goes, feelings are the response of our body to fear, anxiety or pleasure. Feelings are nothing but physical reactions. Emotion is the response in our mind to those physical events. Emotion is how we interpret those physical feelings based on the conditioning of our mind.
When I feel fear, certain chemicals are released by my brain. These increase the blood flow in my body, which makes me sweat and increase my heart rate. I may feel stressed and certain muscle groups may start to tighten. All of these are preparing me to run from that which I fear.
When I experience pleasure I feel light and almost ready to float away. My heart rate slows compared to when I am afraid. I feel no muscular stress and my muscles are felt relaxed and this is the state that we all feel to be in all the time.
I personally feel that being aware of one's feelings requires understanding of the nature of our body and mind functioning. It requires that you become aware of your physical reactions, the feelings in your body.
There exists nothing spiritual, religious or anything for that matter, all that is there is physical and it cannot be denied by anyone.